“‘In your anger do not sin’: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.” Eph 4:26-27 (NIV)
He lost his cool! She flipped! What were they thinking? Can you believe what he said? Did you ever dream we would see this day? What happened?
Anger is either good or bad. If your anger is righteous indignation against sin and immorality, then it is good. If your anger is a reaction to not getting your way or a result of your impatience, then it is bad.
Jesus expressed anger when the Temple had been contaminated by the money changers instead of being a house of prayer for all nations. His anger was righteous indignation exposing their blatant irreverence toward the things of God. Yet, Jesus did not let the sun go down on His anger. In other words, He expressed his anger in a manner that confronted sin and prompted righteousness.
- “In your anger do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent.” Psalms 4:4 (NIV)
- “Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret–it leads only to evil.” Psalms 37:8 (NIV)
- “A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.” Prov 29:11 (NIV)
- “I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing.” 1 Tim 2:8 (NIV)
Are your hands clean? Have you exhibited healthy anger through the avenue of righteous indignation? Or have you fertilized unhealthy anger which grows into bitterness, rage, and envy?
Hate what God hates. Love what God loves.
Pursuing God,
Stephen Trammell
Pastor of Leadership and Pastoral Care
One reply on “Anger”
289038 288358Keep all the articles coming. I love reading by way of your points. Cheers. 170607