Adversity God's Will Questions

Ask the Right Question

“I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel.” Philippians 1:12 (ESV)

God had transformed Paul from a persecutor of the church to a preacher of the gospel. Later in his journey, the Apostle Paul was instrumental in the birth of the church at Philippi. Paul was fully yielded to the Lordship of Christ and fully surrendered to God’s will. He sought to maintain the posture of living on mission with God and joining God in His redemptive activity.

Sometimes obedience to God’s will leads to imprisonment. Paul was imprisoned in Rome and chained to two Roman soldiers rotating shifts every eight hours. Can you imagine being chained to the Apostle Paul for eight hours? God used the very chains that bound Paul to unleash the gospel of grace to throughout the whole palace guard.

When you look into the rear view mirror of your life, maybe you can quickly remember a season of adversity that made no sense at the time. Now, looking back you see how God used that season in your life to build your faith and to bless others. Hindsight gives you a view of clarity that provides comfort.

Our tendency is to ask God, “Why?” We like knowing the reason behind the season of adversity. We find comfort in clarifying the unknown and resolving the mystery of our circumstances. For some reason, we just passionately want to know why God allows certain things into our lives. We convince ourselves, that if we knew why, then we would be able to accept the reality of our circumstances.

Instead of asking why, consider asking what! Start asking, “God, what would you like to accomplish in me and through me in the midst of this season of adversity?” Remember, if God allows it, He will use it to build your faith and to bless others.

Drawing Near,

Stephen Trammell
Lead Pastor
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