God's Provision Trust

Entrusting Your Life

“When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly.” 1 Peter 2:23 (ESV)

Hurting people hurt people. Those who have been wounded often wound others. There’s something about our fallen nature that seeks revenge. When someone has inflicted pain onto us, we want them to experience the same measure of pain in return. Retribution saturates the landscape of our lives.

Jesus ushered in a new way of living. Jesus demonstrated the proper response to unfair treatment and to adverse circumstances. If there were ever a person who did not deserve one fraction of mistreatment, it would be Jesus. His life was filled with compassion for others, generosity in action, and integrity both in private and in public. Jesus received unjust treatment. He was ridiculed and falsely accused, yet He did not retaliate. As He suffered, He made not threats. Jesus could have called down a legion of angels to eliminate His offenders.

Instead of reacting to His assailants, Jesus responded by entrusting Himself to God. Jesus chose to entrust His life and His circumstances to the Creator of the universe. Jesus affirmed that God is the righteous and just judge. God sees the inequities of life. Sin will be judged. Penalties will be ascribed.

Have you been treated unfairly? Did you choose to react or respond? Entrust your life to God. God created you for His glory. You are God’s workmanship (Eph. 2:10). You have a purpose to fulfill and a light to shine in this dark world.

Fallen people will continue to act like fallen people until they come into a saving relationship with Jesus. Even after conversion, a person who becomes a follower of Christ can drift into some of the old fleshly patterns that wound and inflict pain. Don’t retaliate. Respond by entrusting your life to God.

Following Jesus Every Day,

Stephen Trammell

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