Renewal Rhythm Strength

Find Your Rhythm

“But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31 (ESV)

The Christian life has an exciting destination, but don’t minimize the value of the journey. You will experience a varying cadence through the seasons of your life on mission with God. There will be times of sowing and times of reaping. You will experience times of planting and times of watering. Sometimes the pace of life will feel like the turbulence of white-water rafting and at other times, the pace will be more tranquil like a duck treading water on a peaceful pond.

Learn to experience God in each unique setting you find yourself in. If your life feels fragmented, then hit the pause button and allow God to re-orient you to His abiding Presence. Stop fretting and seeking to produce more and more. Allow God to refuel you and to refocus you. Sometimes the most spiritual activity you can embrace is going down pit road and enjoying a refreshing pit stop to allow God to put you back together.

God’s will for your life has a certain rhythm. Find your rhythm. How do you best reconnect with God? How do you best revitalize your passion for God and renew your passion for life? Put your hope in the Lord. Trust Him with your life and entrust your worries to Him. He loves you and knows what’s best for your life.

Are you walking, running, or soaring? Life tends to accentuate a different tempo based on the season you are in. Whether you are walking, running, or soaring, remember to anchor your life to the stable and consistent relationship you have in Christ. He is your source of strength. Jesus is the reason for every season of life. Rest in Him and revel in His love.

Drawing Near,

Stephen Trammell
Lead Pastor
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