Abiding in Christ Decisions Fruit

Focus on Abiding

“‘I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.'” John 15:5 (ESV)

God will never ask you to do anything without equipping you to do it. God has an assignment for you to complete during your time on earth. God’s assignment requires His empowerment. You cannot fulfill God’s agenda without God’s provision. God’s assignment for your life flows out of your abiding relationship with Christ. God’s command is not for you to bear fruit, but rather to focus your energy on abiding in Christ.

Your fruitfulness will be proportionate to your level of intimacy with Christ. Don’t bypass your love relationship with Christ in order to seek to bear fruit. Your passion is not to be channeled in the area of bearing fruit. As you stay connected to Christ and allow His energy, His strength, and His life to flow through you, you will bear much fruit.

Because He is the vine, you are fruitful. Jesus is the source! Stay connected to Him. Guard your love relationship with Him. Protect your daily walk with Christ. Don’t allow anything or anyone to rob your relationship with Him. Ensure that your abiding relationship with Christ gets your best and not your leftovers. Don’t give Jesus your crumbs. He deserves your passionate pursuit.

Are you connected? Are you abiding? You are the branch. Remain in Him and He will bear His fruit through you. Focus on abiding!

Drawing Near,

Stephen Trammell
Lead Pastor
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