Compassion Courage Forgiveness Trust

Forgiveness (2)

“Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” Col 3:13 (NIV)

Forgiveness is an event, followed by a process.

Perhaps you have found yourself in situations where you have had a hard time forgiving those who have wounded you. Maybe you have been wounded by hurtful words directed to you. Maybe you have been wounded by someone who withheld affection or affirmation from you. Doing life with others involves risks. Relationships can be risky.

In his letter to the church at Colosse, Paul identified the prominent role of forgiveness in the realm of relationships. We are commanded to patiently endure each other and to graciously forgive whatever grievances we may have against one another. In order to have a right relationship with God, we must have a right relationship with others. Conversely, in order to have a right relationship with others, we must have a right relationship with God.

The next time you begin thinking that someone doesn’t deserve your forgiveness; ask this question, “How much has the Lord forgiven me?” That question places a unique perspective on the concept of forgiveness. In the midst of our hurt, extending forgiveness may not be in line with our true feelings. We may be convinced that the one who wounded us does not deserve our forgiveness. That’s why Paul reminds us to graciously forgive as the Lord has graciously forgiven us.

Jesus is not asking you to do anything He has not already done for you. Jesus is not asking you to do anything that He has not already empowered you to do. Follow His example and trust in His provision to enable you to extend forgiveness. Forgiveness is an event, followed by a process. 

Ask Jesus to give you the compassion and courage to extend forgiveness. Trust Jesus with the event and the process.  

Pursuing God,

Stephen Trammell
Executive Pastor

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