Forgiveness Jesus Trust

Forgiveness and Trust

“For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” Matthew 6:14-15 (ESV)

Would it not be hypocritical to receive God’s forgiveness personally and then refuse to extend God’s forgiveness to others? We do not earn God’s forgiveness by forgiving others, but we demonstrate God’s forgiveness as we forgive others.

You don’t have to ponder the decision to forgive those who have wounded you. Forgiving those who have hurt you does not validate their behavior or condone their actions, but rather honors God by mirroring His forgiveness towards you. The grace and mercy that God lavishes on you becomes a blessing that flows through you to those who have wounded you.

Forgiveness is immediate; trust takes time. Just because you forgive someone does not mean that it is safe to trust that person. God is not asking you to extend forgiveness and then embrace a posture of vulnerability and susceptibility. You are to walk wisely. It takes time and multiple opportunities for a person to demonstrate trustworthiness.

Extend forgiveness immediately, and then pray for the person you have forgiven. Ask God to transform the one you have forgiven and to help that person become worthy of your trust. Extending forgiveness is not optional in God’s economy.

In my daily quiet time, I came across this question by Henry Blackaby that God is using in my life, “Would you want God to forgive you in the same way you are presently forgiving others?”

Following Jesus Every Day,

Stephen Trammell

53 replies on “Forgiveness and Trust”

Thank you for this very emotionally sensitive message. I could feel your words and understood the source of the message instantly. Knowing the writer experienced something and then pouring his or her heart out for others to learn from is amazing. I was truly moved by Gods word and your message and am grateful for having this resource.

I instantly shared this with friends and coworkers urging them to read this same message without distraction and focus on the ways they too can forgive like God forgives us.

Thank you !

Thank you, Brian, for allowing God to speak to you and then for your willingness to share the blessing with others. I appreciate your faithfulness to the Lord and your pursuit of daily walking with God. You are a blessing in my life!

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