Grace Moses Romans

Fullness of God’s Grace

“And we know…” Romans 8:28a (NIV)

What do you do when your world is falling apart? Sometimes you are surprised by the circumstances of life. Living in a fallen world generates unpredictable situations that require your response. How will you respond?

Remember that God is working. God is always at work in the midst of your circumstances. There is nothing beyond His reach and nothing beyond His compassion. God cares about you and everything you face in this life.

Turn interruptions into opportunities to experience the fullness of God’s grace. When life catches you by surprise, you are positioned for a special encounter of God’s grace. The grace of God always matches the depth of your need. Find comfort in God’s omniscience. God is not surprised by your surprises. Before the circumstances were formulated before you, God was at work to navigate your path to be drawn close to His heart. Draw near to God and enjoy the proximity of uninhibited intimacy.

God can take the mess of our lives and make a masterpiece. God can convert the trauma in our lives into something triumphant. If God allows something to come into your life, He will use it for your good and His glory.

As you travel the terrain of life, rest in the assurance of God’s activity. Be affirmed of God’s Presence and His consistent release of comfort and strength. God will provide you with everything you need for doing life His way.

How are you currently responding to the interruptions that come into your life? Seize the opportunity to experience the fullness of God’s grace.

Pursuing God,

Stephen Trammell
Executive Pastor
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