God's Provision Jacob Joseph

God, Jacob, and Joseph

“And God spoke to Israel in visions of the night and said, ‘Jacob, Jacob.’ And he said, ‘Here I am.’ Then he said, ‘I am God, the God of your father. Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for there I will make you into a great nation. I myself will go down with you to Egypt, and I will also bring you up again, and Joseph’s hand shall close your eyes.'” Genesis 46:2-4 (ESV)

Jacob had endured hardship, grief, and anxiety. He lived for years with the darkness of Joseph’s death looming over him, when in fact, Joseph was alive. After God promoted Joseph to second in command over Egypt, and after Joseph revealed himself to his brothers and forgave them, Jacob and his family came to meet Joseph.

Jacob had another encounter with God whereby God spoke to him in visions of the night. God affirmed Jacob with His abiding Presence and comforted Jacob with the assurance of protection and provision. God promised to make Jacob into a great nation and to allow Joseph’s hand to close his eyes.

  • “Thus Israel settled in the land of Egypt, in the land of Goshen. And they gained possessions in it, and were fruitful and multiplied greatly. And Jacob lived in the land of Egypt seventeen years. So the days of Jacob, the years of his life, were 147 years.” Genesis 47:27-28 (ESV)

God keeps His word. You can entrust every detail of your life to God’s care. He created you so that you can enjoy an ongoing love relationship with Him. God includes you in His redemptive story and invites you to join Him in His activity. Your faith will be refined as you trust God and obey His directives. God will accomplish His purposes and plan through you as you yield to Him. Respond to God with the words of Jacob, “Here I am.”

Riding HIS Wave,

Stephen Trammell
Lead Pastor
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