God's Word Information Listening

Going to the Next Level (1)

“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” James 1:22 (NIV)

We are bombarded with information. From billboards to books, from electronic media to engaging magazines, there is no void of information. The accessibility of information is literally at our fingertips. If you really want to know something, there are unlimited avenues of securing the information that you are seeking.

The Bible is still the most read book on planet earth. As you read God’s Word, you have the opportunity to listen to what God is saying and then to do what He says. However, you also have the opportunity to keep God’s Word at a distance. You can listen to God’s Word for information purposes only. Your reading and hearing of God’s Word becomes a cognitive exercise that yields minimal fruit in your life. God wants your level of listening to move beyond that of information. The reality is that we know more than we are doing. It is not that we need to know more at this point, but rather obey what we already know.

You can literally deceive yourself by listening to the Word of God at the level of information. God’s Word is designed for more than just informing you about facts and trends. God’s Word is to inform you about the nature and character of God. God’s Word is to inform you about His world redemption plan and where you fit into the process. However, you can stay at the level of knowing about God and His plan without allowing the information to directly impact your life.

God wants you to go to the next level.

Pursuing God,

Stephen Trammell
Executive Pastor

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