His Greatest Need Marriage

His Greatest Need

“However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.” Eph 5:33 (NIV)

The husband’s greatest need is respect. God created the man with the innate need to be honored and respected. Wife, your husband needs to know that you respect him. You may be thinking to yourself, “But, I don’t respect my husband.” Maybe he is not living in a manner deserving a response of respect. Maybe your husband has not earned your respect.

You choose to respect your husband because of your reverence for Christ. You communicate respect to your husband not based on his behavior or based on how he treats you, but in response to your love relationship with Jesus. Whether your husband deserves your respect or not is not the issue. Are you willing to meet your husband’s greatest need because you are willing to honor Jesus?

Prime the pump by taking the initiative to show respect to your husband out of reverence and obedience to Christ. As you show respect, you will be priming the pump for love to flow from him to you. If your husband refuses to take the initiative to communicate love to you, then be the first to get the water flowing by showing respect.

Ask God to give you the grace you will need to meet your husband’s greatest need.

Pursuing God,

Stephen Trammell
Pastor of Leadership and Pastoral Care

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