Leadership Leading for the Lord Work


Leadership is influence with integrity.

Everyone is a leader at some level. Everyone has a God-given sphere of influence. You may not fully comprehend the parameters of your sphere, but God has placed you on this planet to be an irresistible influence for His Glory.

What are you doing with the influence God has given you? What are you doing to maximize the moments God has orchestrated for you?

The ultimate servant leader, Jesus, reminds us, “Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more” (Luke 12:48 ESV). Your life is a stewardship of the influence God has entrusted to your care.

Every moment of your life matters to God so make every moment count for God. Don’t waste your life, invest your life in what matters most. Think of what will matter ten months from now and then consider what will matter ten years from now.

Let’s go deeper! What’s going to matter in eternity when you stand before God to give an account for your one and only life?

Leverage your influence for God’s glory. You are placed on this broken planet to make an eternal difference.

Live each day with an eternal perspective. There’s more to life than you can see, so plan your life for eternity.

Learn to say NO in order to say YES to God’s best. You will be bombarded by endless options to diffuse your impact. Be selective and learn the value of saying NO! Reserve your YES for God’s best!

Make wise decisions to reduce potential regrets. It takes knowledge to take something apart; it takes wisdom to put it back together. Walk in wisdom. Consider reading one chapter of the Book of Proverbs each day and you will read through the entire book of Proverbs each month.

Your influence has the capacity to inspire others and to lead them into an eternity shaping relationship with Jesus Christ. Be a leader for the Lord by allowing Him to live His life in you and through you!

Following Jesus Every Day,

Stephen Trammell

81 replies on “Influence”

LOVE this!!! Leadership is Everything! Thank you for being the incredible leader you are Stephen, you bless my heart!

Stephen, I love reading and digesting your writing on life and leadership they have become part of my morning quite time. Thank you!!

Thinking of standing before God giving an account of my life is an uncomfortable thought. Your four points on “Influence” give simple yet thought provoking (life on earth) steps. I especially liked “Learn to say NO in order to say YES”! Thank you for YOUR Influence Stephen!

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