Clarity Jesus Mission Outsiders

Simplify and Focus

“Jesus answered them, ‘It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.’” Luke 5:31-32 (NIV)

The Pharisees missed their reason for existence. They thought the purpose of life was to be religious and to strictly observe their legalistic religious customs. They thought too highly of themselves and critically judged others through the grid of their own rigid religious system. Jesus ministered among the Pharisees and often spoke directly to them, yet they missed the Messiah.

Jesus clarified His purpose as that of calling sinners to repentance. Jesus came to build the Kingdom of God with those who need His mercy, His grace, and His forgiveness the most. The self-righteous behavior of the Pharisees blinded them from the truth. The Truth was standing right in front of them and they missed Him!

Jesus came to call people just like you and me to repentance. We were bankrupt spiritually and morally before Jesus came to our rescue. We were enemies of God and saturated in our sinfulness and selfishness. We were unfit and unclean for entry into the Kingdom of God. Our greatest need was for the Great Physician to remedy us from our spiritual disease and to restore us to a right relationship with Himself. Jesus provided the opportunity for us to turn from our sin and to trust Him alone for salvation.

His mission is our mission. Now, simplify and focus your life on bringing others into a growing relationship with Jesus. Your assignment from the Lord is to be actively populating Heaven.

Why are you here? You are here to do what Jesus did!

Pursuing God,

Stephen Trammell
Executive Pastor

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