Growth Maturation Parenting Passover Upbringing

Reflecting on Your Upbringing

“Every year his parents went to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover.” Luke 2:41 (NIV)

Growing up in a single-parent family after my parents divorced had its challenges. As one of my close friends likes to say, “A challenge is just an opportunity to excel in adverse circumstances.” As I reflect on my upbringing, the one constant in my life was weekly church participation. My mom brought my brother and me to church consistently with her each week. It was very evident that her walk with God was valuable to her and that her service to God through our local church was important. She faithfully modeled Christ before us and imparted the value of serving God. In the midst of adverse circumstances related to divorce, my mom demonstrated that serving God through the ministry of the local church was worth giving your life to.

Joseph and Mary exhibited religious devotion to God and to parenting their children. Each year they went to Jerusalem to participate in the Feast of the Passover. They annually celebrated what God did, as recorded in the Old Testament, when He allowed the destroyer to pass over the children of Israel because they had placed blood on the sides and tops of the doorframes of their houses (Ex. 12:7,13, 23). God’s mercy and grace were exhibited when He chose to “pass over” those who obeyed His command. Joseph and Mary were faithful to travel to Jerusalem each year to participate in this Jewish festival celebrating the Passover.

As you reflect on your upbringing, identify the spiritual heritage you received. What did your parents value? What did your parents model? Perhaps you have memories of a healthy spiritual upbringing that have added value to your life. Maybe you cannot recall favorable memories of a healthy spiritual upbringing. In God’s abundant provision of mercy and grace, you can begin establishing a healthy spiritual heritage to pass down to others. You can break generational spiritual neglect and begin to formulate a vibrant love relationship with God worth modeling before others.

Pursuing God,

Stephen Trammell
Executive Pastor

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