Prayer Prayer Closet Solitude

Meaningful Times of Prayer

“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” Matthew 6:6 (NIV)

Jesus solidifies the discipline of securing a location to connect with God in prayer. Why would the location matter? Can’t you connect with God in prayer from any location? Yes! God can retrieve your prayer from any location, but Jesus is affirming the value of having a special place for communion in addition to practicing God’s Presence throughout the day.

When you look into the rear view mirror of your life, where were you when you had the most meaningful times of prayer with the Lord? Can you identify a literal location? What was the environment like? Was it in the morning, at mid-day, in the evening, or into the night?

Maybe you already have that special place where you meet with God to read His Word and to spend time in unbroken fellowship with Him in prayer. Perhaps you have not selected that special place yet. Think about your schedule and think about a location that will enhance your daily quiet time alone with God. If you prefer solitude, then find a place that will ensure an environment of solitude. If you love the outdoors, find a place outside that helps you best connect with God. If you enjoy worship music playing softly while you commune with God, then have the music ready.

Remember that God will reward you for your private time alone with Him. God desires intimacy with you and has made that level of connection available to you. What will you do with the opportunity God has given you to know Him more?

Pursuing God,

Stephen Trammell
Lead Pastor
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