God's Provision Grief Psalms

My Rock and My Redeemer

“I am weary with my moaning; every night I flood my bed with tears; I drench my couch with my weeping. My eye wastes away because of grief; it grows weak because of all my foes.” Psalm 6:6-7 (ESV)

David was well acquainted with victory, despair, and grief. He had known the favor of God and the wrath of Saul. David combated his enemies while seeking to remain true to the Lord his God. Through seasons of adversity, he became weary with his moaning and flooded his bed with tears. Grief overwhelmed him as he drenched his couch with his weeping. He grew weak because of his foes. In the midst of his abiding pain, David revealed the solidarity of his faith in the Lord.

  • “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16:11 (ESV)
  • “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” Psalm 19:14 (ESV)

Latch onto the Lord who will be a stronghold in times of trouble. Place your total confidence and trust in the Lord for He will not forsake those who seek Him. In God’s presence, you will receive fullness of joy. God will make known unto you the path of life. Outside of Him, you will not find life. God places pleasures at your right hand.

Maintain integrity by practicing moment-by-moment surrender to the Lordship of Christ. Submit your tongue to the Lord and yield your heart to His prompting. May the words of your mouth and the meditation of your heart be acceptable in His sight. The Lord is your rock and your redeemer.

Riding HIS Wave,

Stephen Trammell
Lead Pastor
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