

“Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” Eph 6:4 (NIV)

Parenting is a blessing from the Lord. The opportunity to mold and shape a child into a fully devoted follower of Christ is a high privilege and responsibility. God entrusts parents with the task of rearing children. That role can be appropriated in a way that honors God or in a way that breaks the heart of God.

You can trace every family conflict to one common denominator: selfishness. When there is conflict, someone is being selfish. Selfishness can invade the realm of parenting quickly. Instead of doing what is best for your children, you can embrace what is best for you personally to the neglect of what is best for them.

You can choose to be controlling, driving, demanding, and domineering. Or you can go the other extreme and choose to be distant, detached, and disinterested. Both extremes are unhealthy. Here’s a helpful model to follow:

  • Caretaker (Birth-5 years)
  • Cop (6-11 years)
  • Coach (12-17 years)
  • Consultant (18 & older)

Think about how you were parented and compare it to the four stages of parenting. Now, examine how you are currently parenting to see where you are in the process. What adjustments do you need to make in your being parented or in your parenting?

Pursuing God,

Stephen Trammell
Pastor of Leadership and Pastoral Care

50 replies on “Parents”

I have never seen that model before. It makes sense. Thanks for the great word today Bro. Stephen. Have a great day and stay vertical.

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