Eternity God's Provision Heaven

Looking to Your Eternal Home

“Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” Psalm 23:6 (NIV)

You are not home, yet! God has a mission for you to fulfill before He calls you home. Don’t get so focused on your destination that you neglect the daily ministry God wants you to extend and the daily provision God wants you to experience. You were placed here by God to accomplish His will.

God’s goodness will shadow you every step of the way. There isn’t a moment that goes by in which the goodness of God is not functioning in your life. His goodness follows you because God is good.

God’s love will be your companion every moment for the remainder of your life on earth. There is never a love deficit when God is near. His love will inspire you and sustain you through the various terrains of life.

You will dwell in God’s house for eternity. You will have a mansion in glory and enjoy unending fellowship with the Master of the universe. Heaven is your destiny. Eternity with Jesus is your reality.

As you look forward to your eternal home, how many people will be there because of your influence? How many people will experience the joy of eternal life in heaven as a result of your witness on the earth? Share your salvation story with people that God brings into your sphere of influence. Be active in sharing your faith. Pray for the lost. Give financially to support missions. Go on a short-term mission trip to sow the Gospel seed. Walk across the room to serve others and to show them the love of Jesus. Continue the ministry of Jesus!

Pursuing God,

Stephen Trammell
Executive Pastor
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