Faith Trust

Seeing the Invisible

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Heb 11:1 (NIV)

Are you convinced that you are saved and that you will go to heaven? Are you convinced that God is who He says He is? That’s faith! Being confident of your current reality in Christ is the evidence of faith. If you have placed your faith in the completed work of Jesus on the cross, then you are certain of what you do not see.

The Christian life often involves seeing the invisible. You are trusting that what Jesus did two thousand years ago on Calvary makes a difference in your life today and for eternity. You hope for eternal life and heaven and you are certain of that reality because of faith being operative in your life.

God gives you the ability to see the unseen through the eyes of faith. When you view life through your eyes of flesh you will often miss the activity of God and the reality of His abiding presence. Viewing life through the eyes of faith is to view life from God’s perspective. Through the eyes of faith, you begin to see the unseen and God enables you to discern His activity. Your faith is anchored in God’s Word and your confidence is placed in the character of God.

What are you unsure of right now? In what areas has your confidence been wavering? Your faith will be tested and your dependence upon God will not go unchallenged. Draw near to God and trust His heart during times of uncertainty. God is trustworthy. He knows where you are and He knows what is best for you, even in the midst of your immediate concerns. God will see you through.

Pursuing God,

Stephen Trammell
Executive Pastor
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