Desiring God Intimacy Quiet Time

An Intentional Pursuit

“As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God.” Psalm 42:1 (NIV)

Are you growing in your daily intimacy with God? It takes time to develop intimacy. Your private worship is vital to having an ongoing vibrant love relationship with Christ. You may say that you just don’t have enough time to fit private worship into your schedule. The reality is that you make room for what you value. Do you value intimacy with God? Are you willing to plan for and prepare for a daily experience with God?

If you go on a business trip or on a family vacation, you prepare for it. If you are anticipating a major exam in school or fulfilling a commitment to teach a small group Bible study, you prepare for it. The same is true in your daily walk with God. To have a meaningful and productive daily experience with God, you treat it as something you value and treasure. Prepare for your daily intimacy with God.

Intentionally pursue God by selecting a time each day when you are at your best. Find a physical location that enhances your experience with God. If you enjoy nature, then plan to have your quiet time outdoors. If you enjoy soft music playing as you spend time with God, then have the music ready for the moment. If you prefer solitude, then search for that room or closet or other environment that will provide that kind of atmosphere. Have a Bible reading plan in place whether it is to read through the Bible in one year, read one chapter, or read a few verses each day. Choose to jot down insights gleaned from your reading time. Reflect on what God is saying to you. Spend time in prayer sharing your heart with God and listening for His voice.

Pursuing God,

Stephen Trammell
Executive Pastor
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