Authentic Community Body Life Fellowship

Experiencing Authentic Community

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” Acts 2:42 (NIV)

God formed you for fellowship. In the language of the New Testament, the word fellowship means communion, communication, partnership, or intimacy. Just as God called you into salvation, He also calls you into fellowship with Jesus. You are invited to enjoy unbroken fellowship with the Lord.

After the Lord added three thousand to their number, the believers devoted themselves to discipleship, fellowship, ministry, and prayer. Their fellowship with the Lord was demonstrated through their fellowship with each other. They prayed together and participated in the Lord’s Supper together. The believers experienced authentic community.

God’s invitation is rooted in His faithfulness. God is faithful. He is true to His word. You come to know His companionship through an abiding relationship with Christ. Your fellowship with the Lord is enhanced as you enjoy His companionship and embrace His joint partnership in the gospel.

Fellowship with the King of Kings is realized through the avenue of prayer. As a child of God, you have the privilege of enjoying sacred communication with the Creator of the universe. As you pray, your fellowship with Jesus becomes more intimate. Sharing your heart with the Lord in prayer and responding to His voice are vital components to continual fellowship.

Are you enjoying unbroken fellowship with the Lord? Have you created space in your life for the most important relationship initiated by God? You have to make room for fellowship with the Lord. Spend time communing with the Lord in prayer each day. Enjoy doing life with other believers as you experience authentic community.

Pursuing God,

Stephen Trammell
Executive Pastor
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