Church Ministry Redemptive Activity

Extending Personal Touch Ministry

“All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need.” Acts 2:44-45 (NIV)

The moment you became of follower of Jesus Christ, you received the imputed righteousness of Christ, you received the forgiveness of your sin, and you were adopted into God’s family. In Christ, you became a member of His body.

Your spiritual family helps you through the storms of life. Living in a fallen world can be challenging. Circumstances are not always favorable. Sickness, evil, and tragedy are sprinkled along life’s journey.

The redemptive activity of God was evident within the body of Christ at Pentecost when three thousand were added to their number. This diverse group of new believers had to learn how to do life together. They lived to bring pleasure to God and to be a blessing to each other. Their fellowship was enhanced by their perpetual generosity. With a clear display of unity, the believers sought to meet each other’s needs and to eliminate poverty.

God allows you to experience authentic community with other believers so that you can learn to extend personal touch ministry. God saved you and filled you with His Spirit so that you can continue the ministry of Jesus. Just do what Jesus did. Find a need and meet it. Turn interruptions into opportunities to be a blessing to those God brings into your path.

There are times in your journey of faith when you will need to be on the receiving end of personal touch ministry. You may walk through the valley of the shadow of death and need others to pour into your life. Ask God to expand your capacity to receive ministry. Learn how to extend personal touch ministry and how to receive personal touch ministry.

Pursuing God,

Stephen Trammell
Executive Pastor
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