Blessing Irresistible influence Jesus

Blessed to Bless

“Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.” Matt 5:42 (NIV)

As you study the life of Jesus, you will quickly discover that Jesus oriented His life around being a blessing. His entire earthly ministry was centered around benefiting others. Jesus willingly left the glory of heaven in order to come the earth to live a sinless life and die a sacrificial death to provide for our salvation. Jesus exemplified generosity, humility, and flexibility.

We live in a needy world. Sickness, stress, financial instability, and strained relationships decorate the landscape of life. The reality of living in a fallen world is marked by dependence upon others to help meet practical needs. We need each other. The world needs us. Are we willing to portray the life of Christ in our current context? Will others see Jesus in us?

In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus described the kingdom-focused life as the life willing to give to others. Selfishness has no real estate in the Christian life. Every child of God is to employ the servitude of Christ by being selfless. Living to bless, to benefit, and to add value to others becomes the byproduct of a life yielded to the Lordship of Christ.

The fruit of being blessed by God is unleashing your life to be a blessing to others. You are blessed by God to be a blessing. You are graced by God to be gracious. You are loved by God to be loving. You are forgiven by God to be forgiving. As you submit to the Lordship of Christ, you become a conduit of His blessing to enrich the lives of others. Orient your life to honor God and to be a blessing to others.

Pursuing God,

Stephen Trammell
Executive Pastor
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