Love Marriage Spiritual Markers

Spiritual Markers

“He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD.” Proverbs 18:22 (NIV)

Today is my 20th Wedding Anniversary. Tonya and I met our Junior year at Louisiana College. She was a captivating cheerleader and I was an observant student! God brought us together in His perfect timing and allowed us to come into a covenant relationship before Him in marriage on January 5, 1991. God gave me the most amazing godly woman to become my wife and I have truly received favor from the Lord. She has consistently embodied the love of Christ and the heart of Christ.

Doing life together as one for the past two decades, Tonya and I have come to know God’s faithfulness by experience. Through each of the transitions we have navigated together, the faithfulness of God has been the glue to keep us firmly connected. I am reminded that in temptation, Satan seeks to make the two who have become one, two again. Satan seeks to divide that which God has united. The faithfulness of God has enabled us to weather the storms of life and to maneuver through the rugged terrain of our fallen world. We have experienced major victories together, walked through pain together, and grown in the classroom of parenthood together. Through it all, our daily intimacy with the Lord has fortified our faith and fashioned our family.

As Tonya and I celebrate this major spiritual marker in our marriage today, we are overwhelmed with gratitude to God for His faithfulness. We have never known such love. To God be the glory!

Take a few moments to reflect on the spiritual markers in your life. Trace God’s hand of providence in your past. Thank Him for making Himself known to you personally. Affirm the reality of His abiding presence in your life. Express your gratitude to God for the spiritual markers He has established in your past and for the spiritual markers He has positioned for your future.

Pursuing God,

Stephen Trammell
Executive Pastor
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