Pleasing God Romans Sinful Nature

Distinct Impossibility

“Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God.” Rom 8:8 (NIV)

Pleasing the Creator of the universe seems impossible. God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. God is holy, perfect, immutable, and eternal. God is infinite. How can finite man please God?

The vital ingredient to pleasing God is living according to the Spirit by faith. This type of faith is the conviction that God is who He says He is. To live a life pleasing to God, you must operate in faith. The focus of your life becomes God’s agenda. You demonstrate belief in God’s existence by fearing Him and revering Him through a lifestyle of obedience.

Choose to come to God knowing that He desires intimacy with you. As a child of God, you have the distinct privilege of knowing that God rewards you as you seek Him earnestly. God rewards you with abiding peace, continual fellowship, and eternal hope.

Is your life pleasing to God? Is faith operative in your conversation and your conduct? Portray your conviction about the truth of God’s nature and character. God has pursued you with His love. Respond to God’s pursuit by living a life of faith that brings pleasure to Him. Determine to please God through behavior that is consistent with His Word.

Ask God to reveal those areas of your life that are out of alignment with His purpose and plan. As God brings those specific areas to your attention, choose to repent and go in a new direction. Remove those things in your life that rob your love relationship with God. Don’t be controlled by the sinful nature. Choose to live a life pleasing to God by submitting to the Spirit’s control.

Pursuing God,

Stephen Trammell
Executive Pastor
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