“Therefore, brothers, we have an obligation—but it is not to the sinful nature, to live according to it.” Romans 8:12 (NIV)
Think back to the moment of your conversion. Where were you and how did you come to know Jesus personally? In that moment, a divine transaction took place that changed your forever. In that moment you received the Holy Spirit and you received ALL of Him. Yes! He is in you!
Since the moment of your conversion, you have been on a journey of growing as a follower of Jesus Christ. You have been in the process of giving Him ALL of you. In other words, you ALWAYS have ALL of Him, but He may not ALWAYS have ALL of you. So the question is, “Does He have you?”
One hallmark of His habitation is decisive action. If you are fully surrendered to the Holy Spirit living inside of you, then you will take decisive action when it comes to the cravings of the sinful nature. In Christ, you are no longer obligated to be loyal to the sinful nature. Surrendered to the Spirit’s control, you choose to not live according to the sinful nature.
When a believer starts living according to the sinful nature it immediately produces spiritual death. You cannot be married to Christ and court the cravings of the sinful nature without experiencing spiritual death. You don’t lose your salvation, but you fracture your faith, fetter your fruit, and forfeit your fellowship with God. Your intimacy with the Lord will be devastatingly diminished if you succumb to the desires of the flesh.
How do you know when the Holy Spirit has you? He has you when you deliberately choose to NOT live according to the sinful nature. Take decisive action! As Dr. Adrian Rogers used to say, “Don’t give the devil a club to hit you with.”
Pursuing God,
Stephen Trammell
Executive Pastor
Follow me on twitter at: http://twitter.com/stephentrammell
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