Beatitudes Persecution Victory


“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matt 5:10 (NIV)

It has been estimated that as many as 160,000 Christians are martyred each year worldwide. Godliness generates hostility. To live for Christ is to live in constant opposition to Satan and his crafty agenda to undermine God’s agenda. You cannot wholeheartedly follow Christ and never anticipate opposition. If you are a threat to Satan, then you can expect to encounter persecution at some level.

You may not face martyrdom as a result of your Christianity. But, you may be harassed for your faith in Christ in a culture that is anti-God and anti-Christian. Our culture is not Christ-centered and thus as a child of God, you will never be completely accepted and understood.

The level of persecution for you may be that of trying to live out your faith in a home environment that does not honor Christ. Maybe for you it is a work environment that tempts you to compromise your convictions. Persecution may come in the form of an unhealthy relationship that stretches your faith and pushes your patience to the limit.

Jesus says that you can be blessed in the midst of the persecution. You can know His abiding peace even in the darkest places and most difficult situations. Jesus promises to give you the ultimate relief from persecution by allowing you to experience the abundant life His gives on earth and eternal life in heaven. It is a win-win situation.

There’s no one who can comfort you more than Jesus. He knows persecution first hand. If you are experiencing persecution at any level, turn to Jesus and receive the comfort He provides.

Pursuing God,

Stephen Trammell
Executive Pastor
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