Communication Revelation Ten Commandments

God Communicates

“And God spoke all these words.” Exodus 20:1 (NIV)

God speaks! God communicates His plan and articulates His passion for us to know His will so that we can do His will. God reveals Himself so that we can orient our lives around His revelation. As Henry Blackaby says, “God speaks by the Holy Spirit through the Bible, prayer, circumstances, and the church to reveal Himself, His purposes, and His ways.”

The Ten Commandments are not designed to punish us, but to protect us. They are not intended to harm, but to help. As we explore the Decalogue, we will discover that God has provided these guardrails to help us do life God’s way. Consider the Ten Commandments as boundaries that benefit and bless.

The 1st four commandments are boundaries that benefit your relationship with God. The remaining six commandments are boundaries that benefit your relationship with others. You cannot have a right relationship with God without having a right relationship with others. Also, you cannot have a right relationship with others without having a right relationship with God. The Ten Commandments provide clear guidelines on how to reverence God and to respect others.

Let the vertical beam on the cross represent your relationship with God. Remember, that God chose to communicate His love to you by extending His grace to you through the atoning work of Jesus on the cross. In Christ, you become the recipient of God’s revealed plan of salvation.

Now consider the horizontal beam of the cross and allow it to represent your relationship with others. God has reconciled you to Himself in Christ so that you can join Him in bringing others into a saving relationship with Jesus. Your relationship with others matters to God. God chose to speak into your life so that you can communicate His love to others.

Pursuing God,

Stephen Trammell
Executive Pastor
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