“And now, dear children, continue in him, so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming.” 1 John 2:28 (NIV)
Did you know that Jesus is coming again? It is so easy to settle into the cadence of a busy life and become numb towards the reality of the return of Jesus Christ. Being absorbed by the cultural current and distracted by the tugs of life can impair our vision and dissolve our attentiveness to the activity of God.
Your appointment has been confirmed. There is a specific time and date by which Jesus will return. No one knows that exact moment established by God. We are to live in the ready-mode! Live with expectancy. Jesus is coming again!
Will you be confident and unashamed before Him at His coming? What will Jesus find you doing upon His return? It matters how you live and how you allocate your time and energy. What are you giving your life to?
- “So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.” 2 Cor 5:9-10 (NIV)
Anticipate His return. Live with a heightened awareness of appearing before Jesus one day to give an account for your life. Focus your life on pleasing Him! Eliminate distractions and remove obstacles that hinder your faith. Make the smile of God the passion of your life. Nothing matters more than living to bring pleasure to God. Live in light of the return of Jesus. Continue to walk with Him and continue to serve Him. Be ready for your appointment! It has been confirmed!
Pursuing God,
Stephen Trammell
Executive Pastor
Follow me on twitter at: http://twitter.com/stephentrammell
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