Good Shepherd I am sayings Intimacy

Cultivating Intimacy

“‘I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me—just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep.'” John 10:14-15 (NIV)

Is intimacy with God your top priority? Are you nurturing the life of Christ in you? Respond to the Good Shepherd’s intimacy. You determine the level of intimacy with God.

When intimacy with God is your top priority, there are some clear indicators that arise. For example, when intimacy with God is your top priority, you will hunger for God’s Word, you will thirst for His righteousness, you will have a passion for prayer, and you will have a compassion for people. Intimacy with God will generate a devotion to private and corporate worship, a sensitivity to God’s activity, a righteous anger towards sin, and a righteous ambition for God’s agenda. As you maintain intimacy with God, you will be fully surrendered to the Lordship of Christ, you will practice instant obedience, and you will be laser-focused on pleasing God.

God’s will is for you to have a growing relationship with Jesus. God does not want you to settle into the monotony of mediocrity or to compromise your commitment to Christlikeness. God wants you to passionately pursue Him and to know Him personally and intimately.

What is keeping your from cultivating an intimate love relationship with the Lord? Make room for the relationship that establishes the pace for all other relationships. Carve out space for daily unhurried time alone with the Lord. Secure a place of solitude and draw near to God. Invest energy into seeking Him with all of your heart. Unveil the deepest recesses of your heart and entrust every area of your life to His Lordship. He is the Good Shepherd!

Pursuing God,

Stephen Trammell
Executive Pastor
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