Blessed Blessing Favor

Be a Blessing

“The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.” Num 6:24-26 (NIV)

Did you know that we are blessed by God to be a blessing to others? We are blessed to bless. God made us into relational beings so that we can relate to Him and relate to others. God placed us here to be a blessing.

Moses instructed Aaron and his sons to articulate this priestly blessing over the Israelites. Nearly two million Israelites were wandering in the wilderness and weary from the journey. They were in need of a touch from God. God was ready to put His name on them and bless them (Num. 6:27). Aaron and his sons were to be the instruments of relaying the blessing from God.

Would you be willing to pray this blessing over someone? As an individual comes to mind, simply pray this blessing over him or her. For example, if you were praying for an uncle, you would say, “Lord, bless my uncle and keep him. Lord, make Your face shine upon him and be gracious to him. Lord, turn Your face toward him and give him peace.” You can bless someone in prayer in this very moment.

Think about people God has brought into your life as a blessing. Consider how blessed you have been by their time, their friendship, their generosity, and their kindness. Your life has been enriched by their presence in your life. They have blessed you. Now, you can be a blessing to them by praying for them and giving God thanks for them. Life would be so empty without meaningful relationships.

Who will you bless today? Remember, you are blessed to bless!

Pursuing God,

Stephen Trammell
Executive Pastor
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