Focus God's Will Jesus

Kingdom Focused Living

“’Why were you searching for me?’ he asked. ‘Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?’” Luke 2:49 (NIV)

Diffused light does not have much power to impact the environment it is placed in, but focused light can cut steel. Your life is most powerful when it is most focused. Our proclivity is to drift into a fragmented lifestyle where we are trying to divert our energy into too many tasks. It is so easy to dilute our impact by seeking to keep too many plates spinning at a given time. We become generalist instead of specialists.

Jesus lived a focused life. He was laser focused on being about His Father’s business. God’s agenda was Jesus’ top priority. Even at age twelve Jesus affirmed His devotion to God’s will. Nothing was more important to Jesus than operating every moment in the center of God’s will. Jesus was committed to fulfilling God’s plan. Shortly after His baptism at age thirty, Jesus declared that He had come down from heaven not to do His will but to do the will of His Father (John 6:38).

Have you oriented your life to the Father’s will? Have you made necessary adjustments in your life to focus on living in the center of God’s will? You will have competing agendas, countless opportunities to drift, and a persistent gravitational pull from the enemy to downplay the urgency of God’s agenda. The world, the flesh, and the Devil will seek to capture your devotion. Your life will be tugged from various directions in order to get you off mission.

Don’t give in to the temptation to become fragmented. Don’t dilute your devotion. Renew your commitment to serve God and to obey His Word. God’s will is for you to be fully yielded and fully surrendered to His prompting.

Pursuing God,

Stephen Trammell
Executive Pastor
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