Deuteronomy Discipline Moses

Walk in His Ways

“Know then in your heart that, as a man disciplines his son, the Lord your God disciplines you. So you shall keep the commandments of the Lord your God by walking in his ways and by fearing him.” Deuteronomy 8:5-6 (ESV)

God has already established your value by sacrificing His only Son on the cross for you. His redemptive act made salvation available to you and the removal of your sin possible. Now that you are a recipient of God’s unconditional love, you are a new creation and filled with the Holy Spirit. God has demonstrated His love for you through the atoning work of Christ on the cross.

God continues to demonstrate His love for you through dispensing discipline. God disciplines you because He loves you and is committed to conforming you into the image of Christ. As you learn to walk in His ways and to fear Him, God’s discipline will be featured less and less in your life.

  • “For they disciplined us for a short time as it seemed best to them, but he disciplines us for our good, that we may share his holiness. 11  For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” Hebrews 12:10-11 (ESV)

What area of your life is in need of God’s disciplinary activity? Knowing that God disciplines you for your good so that you may share in His holiness, consider the peaceful fruit of righteousness that has become evident in your life. Continue to keep His commandments by walking in His ways and by fearing Him. You are in the process of becoming who you are in Christ. God is building you into the person He has created you to be for His glory.

Chronological Bible Reading Plan: (Day 73:  Deuteronomy 8-10)

Pursuing God,

Stephen Trammell
Executive Pastor
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