Priorities Time Management


What will your schedule look like today? How will your time be allocated? Just as Dave Ramsey says, “Tell your money where to go!” You must also tell your time and energy where to go. You have 86,400 seconds to allocate within the next twenty four hours.

Your priorities will determine how you invest your time and energy. If you value what God values then His priorities will be reflected in your schedule. For example, after Jesus rose from the dead and revealed Himself to the disciples He offered these words: “I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high”(Luke 24:49 NIV).

If the disciples value what God values, then they are going to Jerusalem to await the coming of the promised Holy Spirit. Their number one priority is obeying God. Their priorities will be validated by their obedience to the command of Jesus. The good news is that 120 believers gathered in the Upper Room in Jerusalem and experienced ten days of anticipation and obedience.

They were willing to value what God values. They were willing to allow God’s priorities to be their priorities. As a result, they cleared their schedule and allocated their time and energy to obey Jesus. What was the result? The day of Pentecost, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and the salvation of 3,000 souls!

Now let’s take a look at your life. What does your schedule say about your priorities? What do you value? Are you willing to make necessary adjustments to bring your life into alignment with what God values? Take the initiative!

Pursuing God,

Stephen Trammell
Pastor of Leadership and Pastoral Care

46 replies on “Priorities”

Great devotion, Bro. Stephen. I am so excited about the work God is doing at CFBC…We have had a very long “dry” spell and I sense an old fashioned revival of God’s people in the works. And I pray that it begins in me!
Be blessed!

I read and appreciate the CFBC devotions each morning and attempt to keep them in consideration all day long. I take the verse used and read the surrounding text to see the full meaning intended. If possible, can a suggested reading be included with the CFBC daily devotions?
Play well today.
RC Hines

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