

My dad was given a ten year prison sentence for committing five consecutive DWI’s during my childhood. As you can imagine, anytime I hear the word “prisoner”, my heart rate escalates. I remember going to see my dad in prison for the first time and seeing him hand-cuffed and shackled in his prison orange jump suit.

When Paul, who is writing from prison to the saints in Ephesus, continues his epistle by identifying himself as a prisoner, my attention is arrested.   

“For this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for the sake of you Gentiles–“ Eph 3:1 (NIV)

Paul was captured by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He viewed himself as one bound to Christ for the sake of others. His life was fully surrendered to the Lordship of Christ. Therefore, Paul willingly gave his life to the vision of seeing Gentiles come to faith in Jesus Christ. His loyalty was to Christ. His devotion was to Christ. He lived to please the One who sacrificed His life for others.

Have you been captured by the Gospel of Jesus? Has the Good News apprehended you? Whose life will be influenced for Christ as a result of your loyalty to Him?

Pursuing God,

Stephen Trammell
Pastor of Leadership and Pastoral Care

4 replies on “Prisoner”

Great thought Bro. Stephen! The Gospel has the power to capture you. So many times we as Christians take for granted the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! It can change a person and it will capture your heart if you are open! Have a great day Brother and stay vertical!

Yancy Dance

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