Elijah God's Provision Trust

A Second Time

And the angel of the Lord came again a second time and touched him and said, ‘Arise and eat, for the journey is too great for you.’ And he arose and ate and drank, and went in the strength of that food forty days and forty nights to Horeb, the mount of God. 1 Kings 19:7-8 (ESV)

Elijah had experienced the power of God on Mount Carmel and now he is running for his life from the pursuit of wicked Jezebel. Elijah was emotionally and physically exhausted and reached a low point personally. He was so desperate that he prayed that he might die. Elijah was so low that he felt that death was his only source of relief.

God met Elijah at his point of need and provided rest and refreshment. Elijah was strengthened by the provision of God and traveled forty days and forty nights. God was positioning Elijah for a blessing on Horeb, the mountain of God.

The journey God has for you is too much for you. God never intended for you to fulfill His will in your own strength. God always builds your character to match His assignment and God always supplies everything you need for the journey. You cannot accomplish the mission God has for you without God’s enablement. Your personal energy will not suffice.

Don’t get so focused on the destination that you miss what God wants to do along the journey He has for you. Rest and refreshment are vital components in His journey. Every moment matters!

Slow down. Reflect on what God has done to bring you this far in the journey. God is not through with you. Your life is not over. God has more in store for you. Enjoy His rest and be refreshed by His presence. Spend some time in prayer acknowledging your dependency upon God. Allow Him to meet you at your point of need.

Following Jesus Every Day,

Stephen Trammell

49 replies on “A Second Time”

When I was transitioning away from leadership at Care Net, a mentor asked my future plans. “Have you considered,” he asked, “that God may be calling you to a season of rest?” I had never considered a season of rest to be a calling. I committed to make no new commitments for six months after my retirement. It was a blessed time and a great storing up of personal and emotional energy for the time immediately beyond that season.

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