Religion is like a vaccination. It will give you just enough to keep you from getting the real thing. Religion is our attempt to reach up to God.
God desires relationship. Relationship is demonstrated by God coming down to us. The Creator coming down to His created ones. Though we are fallen, flawed, and fall short, God in His love and through His grace comes down to us.
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith–and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God–not by works, so that no one can boast.” Eph 2:8-9 (NIV)
Our love relationship with God is made possible by His grace. Yet, this eternal relationship is transacted through our faith response. Our faith, plus works, does not bring forth justification. Our faith response to God’s offer of salvation opens the door to justification which in turn produces an outflow of good works.
Faith includes accurate knowledge, belief, and commitment. It is not enough to know that Jesus lived and died and rose again. You must believe that Jesus is the sinless, spotless, and sacrificial Lamb of God who paid the penalty for your sins. Faith involves belief that results in commitment and full surrender of your life to the Lordship of Christ.
Got faith?
Pursuing God,
Stephen Trammell
Executive Pastor
(This devotional was originally posted in ’07 or ’08. I’m taking a break from writing for a season of personal renewal.)
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One reply on “Relational”
973979 514655An extremely interesting examine, I could possibly not concur entirely, but you do make some very valid points. 143386