Cadence Leadership Routine


Unfortunately for our next door neighbors, I grew up playing the drums. Over a period of time, I noticed a trend developing. The more I practiced, the more I improved as a drummer. And yes, the more I practiced playing the drums, the more I irritated our next door neighbors.

When the opportunity arose for me to be part of a band, my years of practicing paid off. You see, the drummer establishes the rhythm for the entire band to follow. My new rhythm-setting role accelerated one of my leadership goals. The band relied upon me to set and maintain the cadence to produce music captivating to the ear. They followed my lead and I wanted to succeed.

What is your daily rhythm? If I were to shadow you for a day, what would I notice about how you allocate your energy? What would I detect about what distracts you, what ignites you, and what burdens you? Where do you allow side-ways energy that erodes your passion and diffuses your focus?

Our model to follow is Jesus. He was never in a hurry, never off-balance, and never late. Jesus embraced a healthy rhythm of renewal and rest, serving and sacrificing, as well as growing personally and investing in others strategically.

How to Get Back in Rhythm:

Start your day with the Creator of the universe.

“And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed.” Mark 1:35

The way you start your day sets the trajectory for staying above the fray. What I have learned about my rhythm is this: what I do first I do best. Therefore, I want to reserve my mornings for praying, reading God’s Word, reading life-giving books, journaling, and thinking. I love the mornings!

Live to honor God and benefit Others.

“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

Selfishness catapults you out of rhythm. You are designed by God to live a life that honors Him and that blesses and benefits others. To line up with the heartbeat of God, shed selfishness and avoid the slippery slope of self-absorption. Find a need and meet it. Live beyond your skin. Posture your heart for servitude and watch how it inspires your attitude.

Fuel your passion for God’s Purpose.

“Jesus said to them, ‘My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work.'” John 4:34

Don’t waste the energy God has given you by siphoning off deposits in lanes that have no eternal value. Stay in your lane. Be captivated by the privilege and awesome responsibility of doing God’s will and accomplishing His work His way. You are saved by God’s grace and seasoned with God’s salt to make an eternal difference with your one and only life. Focus your passion and fuel your passion by making the smile of God the goal of your life!

Live each moment of every single day with the promising reminder that one day you will stand before God to give an account for your life and how you loved. This is your moment to establish a healthy rhythm that aligns with God’s design.

Stay on beat. Keep the cadence by surrendering fully to the Lordship of Christ and allow Him to live His life in you and through you! Can you hear the music? Can you feel the rhythm? God’s heart beats for you! You are loved! You matter to Him!

Following Jesus Every Day,

Stephen Trammell

127 replies on “Rhythm”

Wow…being a musician for years some mornings I will play my piano and praise as my quite time but it never came to mind of how I would take the rhythm and apply it to my day. Now, time to practice!

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