Seeking First

Seeking First

Take a look at your priorities and assess your life. See where you are allocating your time and energy. One of Satan’s most effective tools to diffuse a believer’s focus is busyness. Your life becomes consumed with keeping too many plates spinning. Before you know it, you have over-committed and over-scheduled your life. Jesus has the answer.

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matt 6:33 (NIV)

Jesus offers a promise that is activated upon your obedience. To seek first the Kingdom of God is to align your life with God’s agenda. To seek first His Kingdom is to embrace God’s priorities. Jesus includes the pursuit of His righteousness. When a person is born again, that person receives the imputed righteousness of Christ. The believer’s position is that of being in Christ. In order to seek His righteousness, you allow the righteousness on the inside of you to be worked out. It is the process of working out what God has worked in.

Make it your priority to seek His Kingdom and His righteousness. All the other things that you need will be provided to you as well. Before seeking things, seek God’s agenda. Seek to love what He loves and to hate what He hates.

What has first place in your life? Who gets the most of you?

Pursuing God,

Stephen Trammell
Pastor of Leadership and Pastoral Care

3 replies on “Seeking First”

This describes me well. I think I am addicted to being busy if that makes any sense. I feel like if I am not doing something that I am not accomplishing anything. The story of Mary and Martha is like my life story. It is really hard for me to understand that God would actually rather me sit still before Him than to be actively doing things. Have a great day! Thanks for the word.

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