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It’s Your Serve (7)

“You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love.” Gal 5:13 (NIV)

You are free! You have the freedom to serve and the freedom to choose not to serve. The freedom is yours to turn inward and become self-focused and self-absorbed. However, the freedom is yours also to turn outward and become other-focused. You can embrace the freedom you have in Christ and unleash that freedom to serve God and to serve to benefit others.

Freedom can be abused. You can embrace your freedom to feed your flesh. As you feed the cravings of your sinful nature, your fleshly appetite will increase. Indulgence is a natural byproduct of our fallen nature. It is possible to drift into selfishness and self worship. Idolatry is simply the perversion of freedom.

What if you captured your freedom in Christ like a sail capturing the wind in order to serve one another? Your mobility and your maneuverability for the Lord would be catalytic. Operating in the freedom that you have in Christ removes the curtain of darkness over the horizon. You have been set free by the shed blood of Jesus to pursue God and to participate in His Kingdom agenda. Serve one another in love. Impart to others the same unconditional love you have graciously received from God in Christ.

It’s your serve!

Pursuing God,

Stephen Trammell
Executive Pastor

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