Soulwinning Testimony Witnessing

Actively Sharing Your Faith

“I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.” Philem 1:6 (NIV)

Our participation in God’s redemptive activity includes actively sharing our faith. We are commissioned by God and for God to share His redemptive love to all 12,500 people groups on this planet. God has saved us and set us free so that we can shine His light and share His love with every individual. God wants us to share our faith with those He brings into our path. God also wants us to build bridges to people we have never met in order to share our faith with them.

Are you willing to seize the opportunities that God gives you? Are you willing to go on a short term mission trip in order to share your faith in other cultures? Your home is your mission field. Your neighborhood is your mission field. Your school is your mission field. Your work place is your mission field. Everywhere you go is terrain that God wants you to claim for His glory.

How many people will be in heaven because of you? Will your life impact the population of hell? Will your testimony impact the population of heaven?

God has given you the gift of eternal life so that you can personally share that gift with others. Don’t mute your testimony. Don’t conceal your testimony. Instead, reveal to others what God has done in your life to bring you to the point of salvation and abundant life.

Pursuing God,

Stephen Trammell
Executive Pastor

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