Spiritual Toolbox (1)

Spiritual Toolbox (1)

How do you become all that God has created you to become? What habits are essential to reaching your God given potential? Over the next five days, let’s open the spiritual toolbox and examine five habits necessary for obtaining a lifestyle of Christlikeness.

Habit #1:  A daily intake of God’s Word

You are what you eat. If you consistently fuel your body with junk food then your level of energy and performance will be hindered. You will be like a marathoner running with ankle weights.

Soul food is mandatory for spiritual growth. Nourishing your soul requires a daily intake of God’s Word. God has revealed Himself through His Word, the Bible. Your Creator has written the owner’s manual for your life.

  • “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” Psalms 119:105 (NIV) 
  • “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Tim 3:16-17 (NIV)

Let me give you some tracks to run on to assist you in your daily intake.

1)  Secure a translation of the Bible that speaks the way you listen. (As you know, I recommend the New International Version.)

2)  Read four chapters of the Bible per day. (In one year, you will have read through the entire Bible.)

3)  Write down one verse from each of the four chapters that really speaks to your heart.

4)  Meditate on your four verses and then write an action step to employ today.

Here are a few examples of action steps that I have written as a result of my daily intake of God’s Word.

  • Love others today with the same love I have received from Jesus.
  • Turn interruptions into opportunities to make Jesus known.
  • Put others first.
  • Practice the Presence of God today.
  • Make God smile.

Now, it’s your turn!

Pursuing God,

Stephen Trammell
Pastor of Leadership and Pastoral Care


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