Anxiety God's Provision Trust

Unlimited Supply

“Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.” Matthew 6:31-32 (ESV)

How do you overcome anxiety? How do you win the war against worry? These questions remind me of a story about a man who offered to pay another man an annual salary of $200,000 to do his worrying for him. On the first day at work the hired man asked, “Boss, how are you going to get $200,000 to pay me?” The response came quickly, “That’s your worry!”

Worry is like rocking in a rocking chair, it will keep you busy, but you don’t get anywhere. Our English word, worry, comes from an old German word, which means “to strangle” or “to choke.” As you may know by experience, worry can strangle the life out of you and choke the flow of joy in your life. Worry produces unhealthy side-effects such as: ulcers, backaches, headaches, and insomnia.

Invert worry by trusting in God’s unlimited supply. You are more valuable to God than the birds of the air and He feeds them. You are more valuable to God than the lilies of the field and He causes them to grow. Worrying won’t lengthen your life. Worrying won’t benefit your future. Worry is practical atheism. When we worry, we are saying, “We don’t believe God will do what He says He will do.”

Your heavenly Father knows what you need. He created you and has a plan for your life. God will provide you with everything you need to accomplish His will on the earth. No need to worry about your circumstances or to fear the unknown. Your heavenly Father knows right where you are and He knows exactly what you need to operate in the center of His will.

Drawing Near,

Stephen Trammell
Lead Pastor
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