Evangelism Missions On Mission World Redemption

World Missions (4)

God honors unity.

“They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.” Acts 1:14 (NIV)

Anticipating Christmas generates major excitement and energy. You can feel it in the air as people saturate their flower beds, yards, and homes with decorative lights. The traffic heightens as shoppers strategically complete their Christmas lists. Travelers prepare to make their rounds among the family traditions. Anticipation of celebrating the birth of Christ brings out the best in us.

Following the ascension of Christ, a hundred and twenty believers were gathered in the upper room anticipating the arrival of the Holy Spirit. They were anticipating the fulfillment of the Father’s promise. They all joined together. They continued with one accord in prayer. The Greek word is “homothumadon” which means with one mind, one accord, and one passion. In the language of the New Testament, it means to have the same mind and to rush along in unison.

God honored their unity as demonstrated in their continual praying together. God allowed them to express their unity through a ten day prayer meeting of anticipation. Unified prayer was their preparation for the impartation of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost.

Do you pray in anticipation of God’s answer? Have you experienced unified prayer with other believers? What if you brought unified prayer into your Christmas experience?

Pursuing God,

Stephen Trammell
Executive Pastor

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